Collection: Zodiac Pools

The unique and patented inflatable Zodiac pools. Round Winky's, oval Ovline's and rectangular Hippo's. Movable, safe and quickly available!
59 products
  • Winky 6 Zodiac Pool - 1m 20 deep
  • Winky 5 Zodiac Pool - 1m 20 deep
  • Ovline 4000 belt - Zodiac
  • Ovline 3000 belt - Zodiac
  • Ovline 2000 belt - Zodiac
  • Winky 8 Belt - Zodiac
  • Winky 5/120 Belt - Zodiac
  • Winky 5/105 belt - Zodiac
  • Teflon, PTFE Sealing Tape
  • Ovline 2000 Zodiac Swimming Pool - 1m10 deep
  • Winky 5 Zodiac Pool - 1m 05 deep